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37 کیلو بایت
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عنوان فارسي
مزایای ذهنی آمادگی جسمانی
عنوان انگليسي
The Mental Benefits of Physical Fitness
این مقاله چند صفحه است؟
این مقاله ترجمه شده تربيت بدنی و علوم ورزشی شامل 5 صفحه انگلیسی به صورت پی دی اف و 9 صفحه متن فارسی به صورت ورد تایپ شده است
The greatest Greek philosophers of all time, Socrates, Aristoteles, Plato all recognized physical exercise as a means to preserve mental health. Convincing evidence from long-term human studies have shown that physical fitness apparently protects the memory centers of the brain. And people who exercise are healthier. Regular physical exercise help lower our risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and host of other problems. But physical activity especially enhance our mental state by increasing the blood circulation, bringing oxygen and endorphins – hormones released after exercise that have benefits on mood and memory – to the brain tissues, helping promote growth of brain cells and is clearly associated with better performance on several cognitive measures, long-term brain health and last but not least general mental wellbeing. This paper introduces the main themes related with stress, mental challenges, fitness, and biochemical interactions of human body It is now believed that it could be the whole exercise experience that allows individuals to gain psychological benefits from physical activity.
Physical Fitness
سایر منابع تربيت بدنی و علوم ورزشی در زمینه آمادگی جسمانی